Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life so far...

Iris Park
16-16 Minamisumiyoshi Tokorozawa-shi
Saitama-ken JAPAN 〒 359-1125

6AM Wake up, wash up, QT, read the Bible, pray, get ready
7AM Eat breakfast
7:15AM Get out of the house and ride the bike to the station
7:30AM Park my bike and get on the train station headed for Ikebukuru
8AM Get to Ikebukuru & transfer to the JR line headed for Nishi-Nippori
8:15AM Get off at Nishi-Nippori and walk to school (5 minutes)
8:30AM Study/review
9AM Class begins
12:25PM Class ends
12:35PM Get back on the train (transfer in between)
1:15PM Get back to Tokorozawa Station and ride the bike home
1:30PM Talk to parents on skype
2PM Eat lunch
2:30PM Do what needs to be done (market, study, vchat, errands)
6PM Dinner
7PM Study, watch TV, talk to samoneem
10PM Sleep

Good thing about riding the train is that every reads in there... it's so quiet so it's the perfect environment. I read the Bible and listen to Christian music (usually Jeremy Camp, Rush of Fools, Starfield). I experience mad morning rush hour every day... it's so sad. They like SHOVE themselves on to the train. Yesterday was so bad, I was like CRUSHED, not even squished. -_- It was pretty bad... but today was a lot better. I still have to take a picture. I will be brave one day...


My school is called DBC (Dynamic Business College) -_- They bought out an old school that went out of business (b/c people are not having babies!!!) and turned the 4th floor into language school. I feel like I'm getting the atmosphere of an Asian kid. Look at the bathrooms... I thought they were soooo cute b/c they were all pink. I opened the door and I gasped! >.<>

He teaches on Wednesdays only (-_-)... his name is Banba (ばんば) sensei. He's like awkward and very clumsy. He trips over the white board legs. :) One student (who is Korean) told him, "AISHTERU" (1. you never say that in Japan and 2. he was a guy) and Banba sensei would not stop turning red and laughing awkwardly. HAHAHAHA. so funny. He is what I look forward to every week! He's 30 and he likes to speak to me in English during break. *^_^*v The other days are women teachers. :*( They're still kind/nice (しんせつ) but... yeah.

EVERY DAY 9AM-12:25PM... it's a struggle. Praise God because I feel like it's getting less and less stressful. I'm picking up on a lot more things! I really believe it is the prayers of all of you at home that is covering me! :) So please keep praying for me. I already have a test tomorrow -_- boo. I'm trying to study but it gets kinda hard with jet lag and just being tired. Pray that I will have more strength to study harder!!!

On Wednesday nights, I attend a Bible study at Tsuda College (women's college founded by a Christian woman). Hitomi, whom I met in 2006, attends this college and she invited me to join them! I haven't seen her in 3 years... we had a long hug when we saw each other at the Takanodai train station. :) I was very happy to see her. She's changed so much! She's a warrior for God in Japan. She led the Bible study... I was so proud of her! On the way to the college, there is this park (looks more like a forest) and it was so nice! I wanted to just go there and do QTs or something. -_-; About 6 girls meet weekly and I'm glad I can join them. They sang "In His Time" in English and Japanese and I could sing it in both. :D I was so happy!!! Most of them study English as their major so we can converse. :) Such a blessing... I hope to get closer to these girls. They bring snacks for each other (so cute) and yesterday we studied 1 Samuel 8-12. Oh and fortunately, there was an English teacher (Carolyn sensei) who joins them once a month and she translated for me! How crazy to have a teacher do Bible study with you! She's been in Japan for 30 years (married a Japanese man) and she speaks just like a Japanese woman. She teaches English part-time and has two kids. Pray that she will be a blessing to those she teaches and that through her, some may come to know Christ!

Back row: Nozomi (means "hope"), Carolyn sensei, Yuki (she looks Korean), Shinobi (her nickname is "Sui")
Front row: Ayame (means "Iris"), Nozomi (the other one), Hitomi, and Kazumi

Cute (kinda gross) story to end: I was on the train coming back home and this cute little girl is in sitting across from me with her mom. She starts picking her nose... she's like digging for gold. EUREKA! She found it... then she put it straight in her mouth. -__________-; After doing this like 4 times, she looks at me, and I shook my head and mouthed "no" but she just looked away. 5 seconds later, she starting going at it AGAIN! She did it literally like 12 times. That's why I had enough time to bust out my camera and try to take a picture of her while NOT looking like a creeper. :D omg, she must like the salty taste... I hope my daughter doesn't do that. -_- What was her mom doing?! Not paying attention to her own daughter. Kids these days... oh wait, I'm sure I did this once or twice when I was young. *barf

OKAY, time for dinner! Until next time, tootles.


  1. you know what's so funny? i can TOTALLY imagine you shaking your head and mouthing "no" to the little girl. that image is so clear in my head right now :)

    aw, praise God for your updates. i'm so blessed & encouraged just to read your blog. keep pressing on, love!

  2. Iris. Or, Ayame San! Haha. Ayame sounds pretty~

    I like your updates and pictures :) i'm so excited for you! We prayed for you at the tuesday morning prayer :] I'm so glad to hear that you are getting more used to the language school.

    and that little girl.. eww gross! haha you're so funny!

  3. Green classroom, pink bathroom. its a watermelon.
    i really am blessed by these updates iris.
    only a couple days in and you're already doing work for Jesus!
    that's how LA Recomm does work. FIGHTING!


    i like how you only talk about your GUY teacher hahah

    it sounds like youre really busy... but it must be exciting to also seek God in Japan

    i hope youre doing ok!!! praying for you ^^

    btw. im gonna be g-dragon for halloween HAHA..ill send you a pic after i dye my hair blonde


  5. ...

    did this really just happen? i wrote like 2934739274 paragraphs of loving words to you and it just got ERASED. omg. story of my life.

    anyway, i've been stalking your blogspot and praying after every word of it. i'm so excited for you and everything that HAS happened and is ABOUT to happen. things may look grim when test days come around and it may start to look like tedious work, but God will use all of it. i know it. plus, it looks like you're already changing japan, one nose-picker at a time ;) pahahaha. love it.

    it looks like the classes (or class) is tough. all the hiragana, katakana, and eye-gauge-worthy kanji... ugh, i remember doing that. i remember literally wanting to hit somebody while i was writing kanji sets over and over and over again to memorize them. but i made one mistake, in retrospect. that is that i didn't pray enough! i also didn't have an end goal to drive me and inspire me to learn them more sincerely :O) i've forgotten almost all of them!

    will you have a cellphone? or do you already? let me know, girl.


  6. I love your posts Iris!!
    I love living through you!!
    The womens bible study must be so powerful!
    I hope they encourage you as much as you encourage them!! Praise God for the sensei! :)
    I hope you learn and assimilate more and more quickly!! :)

  7. OH MY ... that poor girl... she'll be traumatized when she grows up and have the chance to see this picture! hahaha

    Thanks for giving us such a detailed post!!!! AH! love it a lot :)
    Be strong and courageous... even when taking the pic in the train :D hahaha

  8. dang cold enough for scarf to come out

    keep it up.

    and how are the squatters haha
