Monday, October 26, 2009

Food for Thought...

Matt Redman has become my best friend & train riding partner this week- we sing praises together on the train. :) His song "Mission's Flame" really captured what missions should be about. I never heard it until I got to Japan. I was so blessed by it that I wanted to share it with all of you! Missions = For God's glory. God has called you... are you going to answer the call?

Mission's Flame
by Matt Redman

Let worship be the fuel for mission's flame
We're going with a passion for Your name
We're going for we care about Your praise
Send us out

Let worship be the heart of mission's aim
To see the nations recognize Your fame
'Til every tribe and tongue voices Your praise
Send us out

You should be the praise of every tongue, Jesus
You should be the joy of every heart
But until the fullness of Your kingdom comes
Until the final revelation dawns
Send us out

Every tribe, every tongue
Every creature in the heavens and the earth
Every heart, every soul
Will sing Your praise, will sing Your praise
Every note, every strain
Every melody will be for You alone
Every harmony that flows from every tongue
We'll sing Your praise, we'll sing Your praise
We'll sing Your praise, we'll sing Your praise

I have never experienced true independence. I've gone shopping at the mall by myself or even running around the neighborhood, but that's about it. In Japan, I realized... I do so many things by myself. Everyday I walk to the train station (I gave up on the bike -_-), ride the train, walk to school, eat lunch, and do things ALONE. Honestly, I didn't know how I would be able to handle it since I was never put in that kind of situation. However, maybe it's because so many people warned me I will be lonely or it's only the beginning that I have yet to feel loneliness. I can truly say that even though I am physically alone, I feel so happy. It's not because I am an introvert (in fact, I'm like almost 100% extravert) but it's because I am always talking to God. I have no choice but to pray and to sing to Him because He's the only One here with me. It's been amazing. Everyday I'm learning something new about myself... so much introspection. I am discovering so much about myself and just the kind of person I was, I am, and I hope to be. God is uncovering so many deep-rooted things and showing me certain aspects of myself that need to be changed. I'm experiencing TRUE JOY being with God everyday. I often think that it would've been so fun if I had someone here with me... but I have no regrets because I don't think I would be experiencing God everyday in the manner that I have been. I've truly come to a point where it's just God + me and let me tell you, it's beautiful on this side. :)

I'm sure there will be a point where I am longing for a companion, but I pray that instead of desiring temporary satisfaction from being physically surrounded by friends and loved ones, I will grow to endure, persevere, and enjoy this time that God has given me. I truly do not think there will ever be a time like this again and everyday I am reminded of how grateful I am that God has given me this opportunity. Although I am far from friends, family, and my comforts, I am close to God.

Yesterday, it rained- all day. -_- I'm not one who enjoys the rain, but for some reason the rain felt good. It was like the world was getting cleansed. :) The crisp air is also a plus. I heard there are a lot of rainy days so I guess I'll start getting a little depressed/missing Cali sunshine.

There's something about the way wet pavement looks... it reflects the world upside down.
The view from my window is a bit depressing. :( It was the perfect weather to curl up and read a book while enjoying hot green tea and then eventually falling asleep. :)

The only reason the rain is bearable is because of these. :)
Thank you, Paul Frank.
Every time I look down, I feel happy, bubbly, and warm inside. Color in my world.


I've been reading "Disciplines of a Godly Woman" and I am being sooooo blessed. There is still so much I have to learn about being a godly woman.

"Legalism is self-centered; discipline is God-centered. The legalistic heart says, 'I will do this thing to gain merit with God.' The disciplined heart says, 'I will do this because I love God and want to please Him.' The true heart of discipline is relationship- relationship with God."

Sisters, do you want to be a godly woman?
1) Know the Gospel. Believe it. Love it. Make it your everything.
2) Bring your life into submission to His will in everything.
3) Prayer is the source of power for growth and perseverance in our spiritual lives and it bends our wills to God's will.
4) Every woman who calls herself a Christian must understand that worship is the ultimate priority of her life.

E. Stanley Jones: "If I throw out a boathook from the boat and catch hold of the shore and pull, do I pull the shore to me, or do I pull myself to the shore? Prayer is not pulling God to my will, but the aligning of my will to the will of God." --> Prayer then is not about getting God to do my bidding, but the shaping and bending of my will until it aligns with His.

"Suffering is God's means of perfecting us. Suffering is a means of spreading the Gospel. In persevering through suffering we see God."

I want to be one who can submit to God in my trials- trusting God to be God (good, wise, merciful, just, kind, lovingly all-knowing, and all-powerful). He's in control! Be patient and wait on the Lord!

Today, I woke up to blue skies, sunshine, & the sound of birds chirping.
Thank you, Lord, for a beautiful day.


"Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life."
Proverbs 4:23

"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you:
Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires."
Song of Solomon 8:4


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow such a plethora of thoughts, don't know what to say. but Immanuel, God is with us. ur not alone!

  3. i really like mission's flame in terms of lyrics, but i think it has a terrible melody. too many minors.

  4. rain!
    i hate rain.
    but for some reason, the rain in Japan was nice. even though it was gloomy i felt cozy.
    maybe it was because the rain was warm. and i wasn't cold. i hate being cold. i remember passing out tracts in the rain. i said screw the umbrella and jumped in every puddle i saw. in my sandals. that was really fun.

    but o man, hallelujah for time with God.

    i really do enjoy reading these updates and hearing about your growth, experiences, and revelations! its really encouraging and it gives me a better visual and direction when i pray for you!

    yay iris!

  5. Iris! :)
    Ah you are such an encouragement. it's weird because recently, my personal prayer request has been that i will truly grow up to be a woman of God. And wah-la! you shared points on how to become a godly woman! haha. thank you :) It's so great to hear that you are having a good time being alone with God.

    Francis Chan spoke at our school last Friday, and he shared how he went to Korea and met up with missionaries that were in hostage in.. i forgot where. but they were telling him that they actually miss their times in prison even though their life in korea is so comfortable, because in prison they really experienced God and being alone with him. They sometimes even wish that they can be back in prison again, because their intimacy with God was soo deep.

    Reading your blog reminded me of that story.. haha. Also, your rainboots are so adorable! :D

  6. "I'm experiencing TRUE JOY being with God everyday." <-- Amen!

    And thank you for that list you made for the sisters. It's very much needed.

    And I too think the melody of that song is terrible. =T

  7. wow iris you updated a lot already.

    just read through your blog - sounds like you're settling down smoothly so far =)

    i've never sat down to read the lyrics for this song until now.. redman and piper must be friends.

    i'm praying for you and japan!

  8. iris. thank you thank you thank you for your faithfulness. as you know, although i am not off far in some distant land, i am also experiencing "independence" and (since it has been two months being alone now) now some loneliness. reading your blog really encouraged me today and was a really good supplement to my psalm readings as of late. it makes me REALLY miss our time together because i think we made such a great team... but obviously God wants to grow us individually as well. sigh.

    i'm glad you have cute boots. i have red polka dot ones and they get me through seattle rain season (9 out of 12 months, hahaha) and i also have a cute umbrella. i was half joking when i said to get a cute umbrella... i swear it helps, even though david was hating on my wisdom. TRY LIVING IN SEATTLE! EVERYTHING MAKES A DIFFERENCE! hahahahaha.

    sending much love to you, from rainy place to rainy place.

    <3, jen

  9. HEHEHE!
