Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Dull and gray.
The two words that describe my day.
I want to go out and play.
But I have to study kanji and tutor so there's no way.

That's my poem for the day. :)
I'm feeling a bit under the weather- nothing to be alarmed by; it's just one of the many things you have to get used to while living here.
I didn't realize how much the weather affected my mood!
I always knew there was a reason I wanted to live in California FOREVER. -_-;
I miss the sun.

Maybe it's because it's Month 6 and it's time to evaluate the relationship (after the honeymoon phase has passed and things are looking more comfortable) that I get flashbacks of my time here.
As I ride the train for my 2 hour commute to school and back, random memories flood my mind.
They come out of no where and I catch myself staring blankly into empty space with one hand clutching the handle.
"Wow, it's been 6 months."
Quite unbelievable if you ask me.
Then I remember the words of those who came before: "Each day might seem long but when you look back, you'll realize how fast a year went by."
I think they knew what they were talking about.
10 months = total time I will have spent in Japan.
In a matter of 4 months, I will be wondering what I just did for the past year.
I think it'll be an interesting time of reflection.
I'm pretty sure I will be smiling and laughing a lot.
And then I'll probably cry because I miss Japan and the relationships here so much.
According to my mom, I adjust quickly but have detachment issues.
But I know that all it will take are some tears and a prayer to help me move on.
I'm learning that what is harder than letting go is the thought of letting go.
So I am bracing myself for the impact and as always: Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

What's weird is that I'm getting homesick NOW.
I was A-okay and never really missing home until just about two weeks ago.
However, it's not the kind people assume.
It's NOT a desire to go home because I hate it here, am lonely, is tired, or feeling discouraged.
Not that at all.
It's more like wanting to go home because I miss my friends and family who know what I'm feeling without having to ask and knowing how to respond.
But for the most part, I'm glad I can't get that right now.
It's training.
I can't always EXPECT people to cater to me.
That's probably been one of my biggest revelations: letting go of expectations.
It's hard not to expect; but it's harder when expectations aren't met.
And believe you me, the latter occurs most (almost 99%) of the time.

I just got a package from LA ReComm and there were encouragement notes.
I sat there in my room with wet hair (I ran home in the rain... for fun) and just smiled while reading them.
I cherished every word.
I thought to myself, "Iris, you are so blessed to have these people in your life- people who can encourage you and express exactly how they feel."
Words really impact me.
Some say talk is cheap; but I think for the most part, there is truth to what people say because I want to believe that it comes from the heart.
Words need to be followed by actions and actions need to be confirmed with words- well at least that's what I believe. :)

I love being around people.
But I can definitely say that Japan is making me appreciate "Iris time."
I'm beginning to like doing things on my own... I feel more independent.
Things I never/rarely did alone: watch a movie, eat at a restaurant, take a train, go shopping, study, laundry.
On my to-do list: Practice solitude.

Seems like this entry is full of random thoughts.
Free writing.
One thing rainy days are good for (next to being able to wear cute rainboots): They inspire me to think more and be raw.

I leave you with some words of wisdom from the wise...

Richard G. Scott: "To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done."

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”


  1. tonight was brothers appreciation day.
    it reminded me of the encouragement i receive from sisters daily. even ones who are separated by physical distances like the pacific ocean.

    every time i come here i am rekindled with the excitement to join you. and not just that, but to find myself having that time of "solitude" where its just God and me.


  2. I love you, Iris. Keep growing in the Lord. :)

  3. running in the rain? what is going on? you need some PHO

  4. Iris,
    It's hard to believe you've already been in Japan for half a year doing the work of the Lord. I only vaguely know the difficulty of mission work, let alone the hardness-of-heart in that region. I know in the past missions have been very difficult in Japan, hence the notable statistic of "less than 1 percent are Christian" that you mentioned in your presentation at GLDI. However, I do know that these difficulties are not without God, and that He is ever with you. Kind of like Joseph, whether he is on the receiving end of a murderous plot, enslaved, imprisoned, or what have you, the Lord was with him and made all things that were done by his hand succeed. However, I don't think His presence with you is directly proportionate with your success, but I think it is comforting knowing that the Lord is an ever present reality. Anyway, Iris, although you are far away, you are not far from my prayers. Your prayer requests remain plastered on my wall, and petitions are made for you often. Keep up the good work, and I will keep praying for you.
