Friday, November 6, 2009

Save the Best for Last

I thought I'd start off this blog with something light and move to a topic heavier on my heart.


We (might) climb Mt. Fuji! Don't get scared... be excited! I heard about this and I really wanted to do it so I told Cho sensei and he said that he's been trying to get STEM to do it for a while. THIS SUMMER WILL BE THE YEAR WE WILL CONQUER MT. FUJI!!!

10 hours of climbing uphill. shortness of breath. cold temperatures. no sleep. wanting to give up. extreme pain the next day. it'll all be worth it for this...

seeing the sunrise from the top of Mt. Fuji with clouds hovering below you = breathtaking.
praying for Japan at the highest point in Japan = priceless.
experiencing the beauty of God's creation with brothers and sisters by your side = indescribable.

so once you find out you're coming... get your most comfortable and best hiking shoes ready. practice walking at least 5 hours a day. cars are overrated. -_-


Japanese pancake: Okonomiyaki
It's pretty healthy for the most part (and easy to make)... mostly made up of bean sprouts, cabbage, bell peppers, flour, egg on the inside & slices of meat on top drizzled with mayo & donkatsu sauce. mmm.

For dessert we had sweet potato apple pie from Rapoppo (inside the train station). I remember I had this for the first time in 2006 when Stella bought it for us. Heat it up + put a scoop of vanilla ice cream = satisfies any girl's monthly cravings.

I am independent. I do my own laundry now. I was so much more appreciative of my parents and (wasteful but convenient) America after having to line dry and wait 3 hours for it to be done. In Japan, it is too expensive to use gas dryers so all the dryers inside the house are electric --> which pretty much means it sucks. So the only option is to do laundry on a nice, sunny day with some wind- all before 3PM or else the humidity sets in and I have to do it all over again. :*( During the winter, I have to put my clothes through the washer and then ride my bike to the coin dryers and pay like 800-1200 yen ($9-13) for 2 loads. -_-
Positive: I'm one step closer to being a good wife... NOT. My husband's going to do the laundry :)


I just finished "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper and all I can say is... it changed/is changing my perspective, desires, and life. I forgot just how much books can affect/impact you (especially in this visually stimulating world, we tend to get bored/impatient with reading words on a page because it requires too much brain power... people, we're getting dumber. I understand now why my mom calls the TV a fool box. oh mother). I got more emotional and touched through this book than most movies, songs, or korean dramas. -_- However, I don't give credit to John Piper and his style of writing (although I'm sure it helped). The Holy Spirit was really stirring my heart and I truly felt that so many parts of this book was written for me. There is still much I have to process and continue praying about, but at the end of my life I pray that I will not say that I've wasted it all. But if it may be that I utter those words, it is my deepest desire that it will have been wasted for the sake of Christ and Him alone.

This story in particular got me- maybe it's because it has something to do with love. After reading this part, my heart was so moved and I started tearing up in the train.

Background: This story was about Adoniram Judson, the missionary who served in Burma. Before marrying his wife, Ann, this is what he wrote to Ann's father in order to ask for her partnership in missions:

"'I have now to ask, whether you can consent to part with your daughter early next spring, to see her no more in this world; whether you can consent to her departure, and her subjection to the hardships and sufferings of missionary life; whether you can consent to her exposure to the dangers of the ocean, to the fatal influence of the southern climate of India; to every kind of want and distress; to degradation, insult, persecution, and perhaps a violent death. Can you consent to all this, for the sake of Him who left His heavenly home, and died for her and for you; for the sake of perishing, immortal souls; for the sake of Zion, and the Glory of God? Can you consent to all this, in hope of soon meeting your daughter in the world of glory, with the crown of righteousness, brightened with the acclamations of praise which shall redound to her Savior from heathens saved, through her means, from eternal woe and despair?'

Her father let her decide. She said yes.

God does not call us to ease, but to faithful joy. He is closing in on some of you, smiling and with tears in His eyes, knowing how much of Himself He is going to show you- and how much it will cost. As I write, I pray that you will not turn away.

... Don't run from the call. Pursue it."

I feel my heart slowly changing... and this is just the end of week 3.
Break my heart for what breaks yours. Everything I am for your Kingdom's cause.


  1. The sermon on Judson is awesome, too. You seem well, but praying for more blessings to come.

  2. Iris! I'm going to start reading Desiring God soon... I'm hoping that it blesses and changes me as much as Don't Waste Your Life is. :) We serve an awesome God!

  3. wait...did you already climb mt fuji...?!!
    and okonomiyaki good.

    and dang. ok we REALLY have to talk now. frikking last part of your blog. ahh!

  4. Oh, Iris! :)
    MT. FUJI! Wow it would be awesome if i get to go! hehe. AH I remember for STEM 2008, Pastor Yoshio of Shinkoiwa church drove us up about half way (or maybe even more?!) and then we cimbed up.. and i was kind of dying.. so to actually climb the whole mountain.. oh man. o__o hahaha. fun and exciting challenge for sure.

    The letter that the missionary wrote to his wife's father is so beautiful!! AHHHH! Must marry a man like that :) haha.

    Hwaiting, Iris!! :)

  5. iris! sounds like you're doing well over there. let's do everything we do with joy in the Lord!

  6. WOWOWOWOW!!!! the picture of Mt.Fuji is seems sooo beautiful!!!

  7. whoah. mt. fuji will be more than an experience. Aws. and love the letter...
    I feel God has spoken to me through your words. So far I've been hearing so many stories and dedicated missionaries giving their life to death for the cross. I am now taking your letter as another sign from God to add on top of the others. <3 thanks Iris :) and keep it up! - sarah kim (my id only says "kim" which can refer to the other millions of koreans -_-;;)

  8. omg I want to do missions in Japan :O. I WILL CONQUER MT FUJI. The food looks oh so very tempting, and the books you read sound interesting.

  9. your walk with God encourages me to get to know Him more and more.

    i love you and miss you!

  10. i miss you!
    i can't believe you want to climb that. you are cuhrazyy.

    i want some of that japanese pancake.
    feed me.
