Friday, January 15, 2010


When you are empty, God fills you.

He doesn't stop at full, He overflows.

To be honest, it's been a hard week- a rough start to a new year. The 3 month mark is almost here and it's crazy to think that time has gone by so fast! Even in the three short months I've been here, I'm realizing so much about myself (in ways I could have NEVER imagined) and God. I love Lamentations 3:23 "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." I am experiencing this verse every day- His faithfulness in my life is just beyond description. There are so many days where I feel so undeserving of such love that God provides and yet He still pours it out on me. Who am I that He would do such a thing? Then His word tells me: I am His daughter. His beloved. His chosen one. His princess.

Humility. I'm learning so much about this word. This was something I realized I had to work on BEFORE coming to Japan; since being here, God's been using His Word, events, and a certain person to remind me of how prideful I can be. For most of my life, whatever I attempted, I succeeded- I'm not saying this to brag but it's just how simple things were for me in America. Of course there were some events that didn't always end up in my favor, but for the most part, I never had to face Failure with a capital F. However, coming to Japan, I realized that I'm not going to succeed at everything in life. Japanese is harder than I thought. It discourages me to think that it's not going as well as I had imagined. I make it sound like I suck or something... that's not the case at all, but I think the perfectionist side of me is starting to come out. There are some things, like language acquisition, that I cannot control. I study, I go to class everyday, and I do the homework- these are things that are within my control and I do them diligently. However, it's frustrating that I can't express everything I want to say in Japanese (no duh, right?). I mean I've been here 3 months and I know A LOT MORE now than when I started, but still it's discouraging. -_-; I think my problem is that I try to be perfect at it, but I just need to understand that language takes time. My primary reason for being here is not to learn Japanese and be good at it, but it's of course an investment and a means of communicating with the Japanese people. I really need to just LET GO of this mentality that I have to master it right now. I guess it's just b/c there are so many people around me who try so hard and study so well that I feel like I'm not up to par with them. People around me keep telling me that I don't need to get stressed out from it, but there's silent pressure to do well... or maybe it's just the respect-me side of me?

English conversational ministry is going well! The kids are so cute... I'm really learning that kids do well with encouragement and not punishment. A simple high-five, thumbs up, and smile go such a long way! I've been hearing a lot more "hello" and "goodbye" from the kids lately. They are sometimes using, "Hello, my name is _____." So cute! Teaching English is harder than I thought... especially b/c I have to make up my own material. -_- But God is good and I'm getting so blessed seeing how much the people love learning English! There aren't TONS of people who come out, but there is a lady who lives literally RIGHT NEXT DOOR to church who has been coming out (her first time at this church in fact!). Praise God! Quality over quantity, right? :) She thinks class is fun and she's learning a lot. She get so excited for class! HAHA. God is using this ministry to remind me that even one soul is so precious to God. Please pray that through the simple act of teaching English, she will be able to learn a greater purpose for her life (answer: Jesus).

Desperate. I know people who are desperate for a job (thank you, economy). Some are desperate for a boyfriend or girlfriend (Valentine's Day is coming up!). Others are desperate for money. What does it mean to be desperate? Being desperate requires us to truly long for something. We desire it. We "need" it. But what happens after we get it, the desperation is gone- it's no longer necessary. Desperation then, for the most part, is conditional. However, I want to believe that there is one desperation that increases after we get it: being desperate for God. The hunger that comes with wanting Christ far exceeds a person, thing, or circumstance. With one taste of God, we (should) want more. I want to be desperate for God- so desperate that He's all I desire. It's so hard and I'm not completely there yet, but I hope that if someone asks me what I'm desperate for, I can boldly say Jesus.

Please continue praying for me. I feel like the wall that everyone has been talking about is within sight. But I know that it's not about hitting the wall or not (b/c truth is, I will get there), it's about how I deal with getting through it. I WILL OVERCOME WITH CHRIST'S STRENGTH AND POWER! Your prayers empower me so please don't ever forget to say a prayer for Japan and me. We are in this together!


Ji-hyun unni and me. She encourages me so much! We met up for some yummy meat on a stick! HAHA.

How I spent Christmas:
1) My lovely girl friends from school and I spent the day in Tokyo (we went to Tokyo Tower)

2) Doesn't it kinda look like the Eiffel Tower? I wouldn't know, never been there. -_-

3) My family in Japan: me, samoneem, Hui (their nephew from Korea), Missionary Cho.
We celebrated Christmas with cake and pizza. -_-

4) Okonomiyaki party at Takahashi sensei's house!

5) Santa didn't come to town, but JOE SONG did! :) We ate shabu-shabu with his Uncle and his family. His niece is sooooooo cute! LIKE SOOOOO CUTE! We're like the same!

Joe: "Jisoo, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Jisoo: "A princess."

"Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things
you do not know."
Jeremiah 33:3


  1. iris, my cousin of distance....

    reading your blog, i am touched at how much you love God. While you are struggling remember that through those struggles you become closer to God and truly feel his love for you. even though you are so far away, i am comforted in knowing that you are there doing God's work. Please be safe, healthy, and fervent of God. i will definitely keep you in my prayers.

    your cousin of distance,

  2. dang its been too long!
    not that you're obligated to blog or anything...
    but it's nice to read up on what you're doing!
    doode language acquisition is so in my second quarter of korean already and i feel like its going so slow...and i already know some to begin with...X_x..HAHA

    and i actually started rosetta stone to pick up some japanese but thats going slow should give me skype tutor lessons...
    or lets just talk on skype. you're always on call forwarding!

    and humility and desperation seem like such dismal concepts but you've shed a much more willing light on them. i want to reach that point of desperation too.

    praying for you,

  3. Dearest Iris,

    I'm so glad to hear how your doing, and that even in the midst of obstacles you are experiencing all the wonders of how God works in our lives. Despite, whatever you think your shortcomings may be, I know God is smiling when he looks at the beauty of your heart!

    Personally, I was moved by what you had to say on desperation. I think it was something that I really needed to be reminded of, so "arigato" for that :)

    Aja! Aja! Hwaiting!!!!!~
    <3 Sarah

  4. so happy to hear from you Iris :)
    it's teuksae right now ... so there's even more people thinking of missions and praying for you. STAND UP STRONG!
    (looooove the little girl's answer..princess..)

    -sarah kim usc-

  5. Bible wrote about being called, elected, and faithful. many are called, but only few are elected. for being elected, we have to fulfil certain requirements. then further test is about being faithful. we might be called for a great calling, but unless we bear the cross and follow Jesus, we will never be elected. following Jesus might make ur life to face difficulty, He never promises smooth life, but just keep on going! just keep on going! fall?? get up again and keep moving on! He promises us victory in everything!
    See the story of Gergesenes/Gadaranes in Matthew 8:19-34. First Jesus talked about price that have to be paid to follow Him. Then the disciple who followed Him had to face strong wind, but Jesus rebuked the wind. then they faced the demonpossessed of Gadaranes, but great victory was there! No victory without paying the price, no victory without facing strong wind! but the journey didn't stop there. They kept on walking with Jesus. then there was the story of upper room and other wonderful journeys.

  6. Iris, failure with a capital F or a lowercase f are still both opportunities for Christ to be glorified.

    Pastor Jonas today said a quote that I thought might be of encouragement:

    "As jars of clay, Christ shines brighter through our cracks than when we are whole." Bring on them cracks, baby, and rely on that desperation for God! =)

    We love and miss you. Keep up the amazing work there for us back here in the States!

    Always praying for you,

  7. though i'm a month late in catching up w/ this, this blessed me and encouraged me a lot, i must say
    continue to hunger and thirst.. crave for God, iris
    i'm actually about to go through that as STEM is coming up and as i'm thinking more about japan
    you're in our prayers, iris!
    hwaiting :)

    erica <3
